
Terraform (2 days)

Training program covers the following topics:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform
  • Understanding and using Terraform configuration language
  • Creating and managing infrastructure with Terraform
  • Leveraging Terraform modules and providers
  • Deploying infrastructure to popular cloud providers
  • Best practices for Terraform development and deployment

By the end of this training, participants will have a strong foundation in Terraform and be equipped to use it for Infrastructure as Code in their projects or organizations.

Redis on Kubernetes (2 days)

Training program covers the following topics:

  • Deploying Redis, an in-memory data structure store, on Kubernetes
  • Setting up a Redis cluster on Kubernetes
  • Configuring Redis for high availability
  • Ensuring data persistence
  • Securing Redis deployments
  • Hands-on experience through practical exercises and real-world use cases

By the end of the training, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of how to deploy Redis on Kubernetes and be equipped with the necessary tools to implement and maintain scalable and reliable Redis solutions in their projects or organizations.

MinIO on Kubernetes (2 days)

Training program covers the following topics:

  • Deploying MinIO, a high-performance, distributed object storage system, on Kubernetes
  • Configuring MinIO on Kubernetes
  • Setting up storage classes
  • Managing access and security
  • Monitoring and scaling MinIO deployments
  • Performing backups and restores

Participants will gain hands-on experience and the necessary tools to deploy and maintain scalable and reliable MinIO solutions. By the end of the training, participants will be well-equipped to tackle any MinIO deployment challenge.

